

我的兩年綠卡在4/20/2018到期,在年初時收到USCIS的提醒通知可以開始準備換十年綠卡所需資料 (到期日的前90天內可以遞交資料)


1. 表格 G-1145 ( 電子化通知申請表)

2. 表格 I-751 (移除條件式綠卡轉正式綠卡)

3. 支票乙張 $680 

4. 兩年綠卡影本(正面&反面)

5. 護照規格的大頭照兩張 (背面空白處用鉛筆填上姓名& A #number)

6. 共同租約

7. 共同銀行帳戶

8. 共同報稅單

9. 401k 計畫受益人證明

10. 共同醫療保險證明

11. 共同車子保險證明

12. 兩張親友證明信 

13. 回台灣旅遊的機票

14. 親友大合照 (我把照片做成word檔列印出來)


英文版: I-751 Cover Letter

1. Form G-1145

2. Form I-751: Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence;

3. Personal check for $680 payable to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (Application fee and Biometric service fee)

4. A copy of the Permanent Resident card of 申請人姓名 (front and back);

5. Two passport photos of 申請人姓名;

6. A copy of our joint lease from the past 3 years;

7. A copy of joint bank statement from Chase Bank from past 6 months;

8. Copy of joint-filed Tax return, and W2 forms from the 3 most recent tax years (2015-2017);

9. A copy of Beneficiary detail of life insurance, 401k Plan, and pension plan;

10. A copy of Health Insurance Offer and Coverage under Excellus Health Plan, Inc with 老公名字 as the sponsor;

11. A Copy of car insurance with both of our names under it;

12. Two Affidavit Letter of support;

13. A copy of our airline e-ticket for a vacation to Taiwan that we took in November 2017;

14. Copies of photos of us together at various events with family and friends throughout 2016 to 2017;


  整理好所有文件後我就是照1-14 的順序放入牛皮紙袋 ( 把支票用迴紋針夾在第1張)




到了郵局之後買了有夾泡棉得牛皮紙袋(雙重保護!! )



完成啦! 安心地把I-751文件寄到 Vermont Service Center ( New York State 寄這個住址)

如需要查詢點點這 Where to file 




目前已經去印完指紋啦! 接下來應該是漫長得等待十年綠卡的到來~!


 更新: 兩年綠卡轉十年進度




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